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A Blessing, Inc. (Bunn Soup Kitchen) serves a meal each Thursday (except Thanksgiving) to those less fortunate. Originally begun by a Cypress Creek Civitan member, it was supported each week by Cypress Creek Civitan until other volunteer groups filled the weekly schedule. Cypress Creek Civitan remains involved, serving a meal on the fourth Thursday of each month. Volunteers are needed from 10:30am until 1:00pm.
For more information about A Blessing, Inc., go to
Blood Mobile Drive. In conjunction with the Blood Connection mobile unit, Cypress Creek Civitan sponsors a blood drive four times each year. The event is held at Pineridge Realty across from Lake Royale. Any eligible individual is invited to donate. There are normally 35-40 people signed up to donate. Efforts are made to improve on these numbers. "Each pint collected could save up to three lives."
Adopt-a-Family for the Holidays. One of the primary focuses of Civitan is to help those less fortunate. Cypress Creek supports this cause. During the holidays, and throughout the year, the club steps forward to help those in need. This is a budget item of the club each year. Through the personal solicitation of members and donations from residents in the area, financially we have been able to help several families each year.
Friendship/Special Needs Dance. Cypress Creek Civitan has sponsored a dance for several years for children, and families of children, with special needs. We invite others to attend and join in with the fun. Before the night is over, many family members and guests are out dancing with the children. We even have one special needs attendee that normally sings at least one song each year. We typically have over 50 special needs participants plus many other guests just to cheer everyone on. Pizza and snacks provided by the club and brought in by some guests are shared with everyone. This is a special night enjoyed by all.
Special Olympics. Cypress Creek Civitan supports Special Olympics at the county and state levels through club monetary donations and volunteering. Lunch is served by Cypress Creek members each year at the Franklin County Special Olympics. At the state games, Cypress Creek partners with Wake Forest Civitan to cook hot dogs and provide lunch for the athletes.
For more information about Franklin County Special Olympics go to
For more information about NC Special Olympics go to
Boys & Girls Homes of North Carolina. Located at Lake Waccamaw, the Boys & Girls Homes of North Carolina, Inc. is dedicated to providing a comprehensive array of residential and community-based services to meet the needs of vulnerable children by addressing their physical, emotional, social, educational, and spiritual development. Boys & Girls Homes places a strong emphasis on relationships, providing residential care, rediscovering academic success through hands-on education, and preparing children for the challenges of adulthood.
Cypress Creek Civitan makes monetary donations to the Boys & Girls Home in support of the Civitan Cottage located there and also monetarily supports two residents at Christmas.
For more information about the Boys & Girls Home, go to
Duke Child Development Center (Child Development & Behavioral Health). The mission of the Development Center is to deliver high quality, family-focused diagnostic and treatment services for children with psychiatric, developmental, and behavioral illnesses. Cypress Creek makes monetary donations to the Duke Child Development Center.
For more information about the Duke Children go to
Ronald McDonald Family Room & House. The Ronald McDonald Family Rooms provide respite care for families within Duke (Durham) and WakeMed (Raleigh) Children's Hospitals - just steps away from the pediatric intensive care units. The Family Rooms serve more than 30,000 parents of critically ill children each year. They offer a private, relaxing space for family members of Children's Hospital patients as they endure a stressful life experience. They are staffed with volunteers seven days a week from 9:00am until 9:00pm.
Cypress Creek Civitan serves several meals each year at the Ronald McDonald House in Durham.
For more information about the Ronald McDonald House go to
Miracle League of Franklin County. Founded by a former Cypress Creek Civitan member, the Miracle League of Franklin County is a baseball league for children with physical, cognitive, and/or emotional disabilities. They have a spring and fall season, playing ten games each season. The games are played at the Miracle League field behind Long Mill Elementary School in Youngsville, NC. This is a rubberized field, made possible with monies raised from fundraisers and generous donations from a caring community.
This is the biggest service project that Cypress Creek Civitan supports. Club members serve as coaches, help with registration, run the concession stand, and are there to support the athletes at the ball games. Monetary donations are also given each year.
For more information about Miracle League go to or visit their Facebook page at
Civitan International Research Center (CIRC) is an interdisciplinary center focusing on the development of the mind-brain through their unique mission of service, education, and research. The CIRC was established in 1989 on the campus of the University of Alabama at Birmingham with the support of Civitan International - a volunteer service organization. The mission of the Civitan International Research Center is to improve the well-being and the quality of life of individuals and families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities. Monetary donations are given to the Research Center each year.
For more information about the Research Center go to
Cypress Creek Civitan Club
Service Projects
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